Sunday 5 November 2017

Objective achieved!! Eventually....

 With another long hiatus behind me, I have returned to update this thing with alot of my finished and current projects. After taking less than a year from initial purchase (and several distractions later), I've finally finished painting my Orc team and with that completed my entire Blood Bowl boxset.
The Baltimorc Reavers on my painting desk with the little addition of a goblin player, hopefully to be joined by a troll at a later stage.

 I'll need to get some decent pictures of them at a later point in time but they are for all intents and purpose at a level of finish that I'd be happy to play some friendly games with. Speaking of playing games, I have been actively playing in my local Blood Bowl league with my human team the Tilean Freewings and have been adding more players and other bits and bobs to them over the last few months.
While the Freewings have there own display base, I will be looking to purchase another for the Reavers at a later date.

While this hasn't help improve my general performance during the league (losing almost every game and drawing only one), it has definitely kept my interest going as I strive to add more to it. These additions include the occasional star player (of which at the time of writing this post I now have 3 with a 4th on the way).

 If the bling didn't make it apparent that this guy is a Star player then the hand painted star on his base should do the trick.

 Because I couldn't just be content on him having one head, I had to magnetize him a completely new one I snipped off a Dreadball mini I picked up some time ago.

Unfortunately I only have pics of two of them but rest assured when I get the time, I will be posting some glamour shots of all of them.
 My Helmut Wulf conversion, who I made from a leftover Thrower model, a chaos marine, chainsword hand, a set of arms from the DV cultist heavy weapons guy along with a suitably wide looking flagellant head.

 In my previous post (oh so long ago) I said that I wanted to eventually make models to represent all the inducements in the game, that still applies as I have been slowly sourcing parts and have recently made a start on one of the more popular (if somewhat under appreciated in terms of game rules) inducements: Cheerleaders.

With the conversion work mostly done, I now need to find me someone who can make resin casts so I can make a few duplicates to mount on a 40k circular bike base.
 Finally as a little added bonus, I thought that painting up the namesake of the game would be a cool model to add to the collection.
 I realise that with alot of my recent posts being about Blood Bowl, you'd think that I had completely forgotten about my other endeavours. To allay these fears (of those few people who do check my sparsely updated blog), I've been working on some other miniature ranges. Some of them have been as an experiment while others simply for the fun of it.
 This chap has been shown off here before, but I wanted to show some of the changes I made including his name 'Ujio' in kanji on his back as well as his repainted base trim.

 A Primaris Ancient in the livery of the Doom Eagles. Just need to source some decent transfers for the Chapter markings and will be able to call him done.

 Like alot of my recent space marine projects I couldn't help but magentize this ancient up and am currently stuck for choice as to head to give him (his helmeted head is being painted up).

 Anyway that's all for now, but if you want to see more (and ideally current) updates on my hobby progress as well as some random skits and doodles, then just check out my instagram.

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