Wednesday 8 February 2017

New Year, New Prospects

 Hello Everyone, I hope you all had a great time seeing the back of 2016 (I know I did), and are looking forward to what 2017 has to offer.
It just never seems to look organised even when I tidy it up a bit..
 I've been a bit lackluster with this blog for a while now, but I have been working on hobby over the course of the holidays. Mind you I don't necessarily have alot to show for it but at least I'm still putting one hobby foot infront of the other.

  To start off  as you can probably see, I've been working on the contents of my BloodBowl boxed set. I've already assembled the teams (a fair amount of conversion work to get rid of the double model syndrome) and have painted up a few footballs along with some of the markers and the team logo/turn markers.

The squig ball was my favourite one to paint out of all the footballs.
Apart from that I only have two completed players so far, a Human and Orc lineman. The rest of the Human team are still sitting in their basecoats stage and need alot of tidying up, while the Orcs only have their skin and some purple at the moment.

 At his moment in time the Orc player's name has been removed from the base rim and both player's team logos are subject to change.

Some better pics of the Orc player before his base was changed.  
 My plan for both teams is to have them painted up in the colours of two actual NFL teams (or as close to as I can get). The above Orc has been painted in the colours of the 'Baltimorc Reavers' while the Human team will be painted up in the colours of the 'Tilean Freewings' formely the Tilean Titans (direct inspiration for team colours below).
Will definelty only be painting red and white stripes on the legs of 'special' players.

 As for other hobby progress, I've been building some more marines for my Red Marked force. In particular the ones based on the cover of the audio drama. My plan is to build all of the marines featured in the full artwork and have them put together as one display piece at some point.
From this... hopefully something like this.
Additionally I've also decided to build myself another mini for Aeonid Thiel, this one more closely matching the artwork from the cover of Censure.

 From cover to concept...
  The problem I'm having with him at the moment is that I'm unsure whether to stick completely to the artwork pose (essentially him walking forward with his weapons at his side) or to change it up slightly.

.. To physical model
I'm aware that not many people look this blog (and I can't blame you as my track record for consistently uploading content is sketchy at best), but I'm hoping someone could give me some feedback and tell me what they think.
 I've also magnetized his hand and neck join so I can change his head out.

Hope you enjoyed the update and if you have any feedback don't be afraid to comment.