Sunday 22 May 2016

A sign of things to come...

 Rather than dither on real life commitments getting in the way of hobby progress, I'm just gonna dive straight into what I've been working on and what I've got done recently.

 As I promised a little while ago, I present to you my finished Valhallans. The majority of them were painted 5 years ago as part of a box set I received and I have the intention of selling them off at some point.

They are not my best work I'm afraid but I do like the faces on some of them. My particular favourite amongst them is the one actually wearing his helmet featured above.

 Surprise, surprise, it's more Space Marines. I've been trying to work on a playable Horus Heresy force for some time and these Ultramarines (who I went on at length in my last post) have been slowly taking over my hobby bench, displacing my Novamarines as well as my other side projects.

 Currently they're sitting at my least favourite stage which is the basecoating stage, but once I'm past that it'll be onto washes and then the fun part, highlighting.

In addition to some Ultras, I've also managed to cobble this little Blood Angel together using some spare parts I had lying around. This little guy will be joining the Red Marked at a later point, but he's coming together quite nicely.

 Finally something that is finished other than the Valhallans, it's Master Chief! I showed this guy off in one of my previous posts after being inspired by the news that we'll finally be getting a Halo miniature tabletop game. He was a nice change of pace, as he's smaller than the usual minis I usually paint. I had alot of fun painting him to match his Halo 5 appearance and in particular his assault rifle.

Hope you enjoy the pics.