Thursday 24 December 2015

Madness of the Heresy

A while ago I had the idea of making a space marine model to represent myself on the battlefields of the 41st millenium (which would be rare considering how little I actually play Warhammer 40K), also as I nice small project for myself to enjoy.

At the time of trying to decide how to build the model I was checking out alot of Horus Heresy miniature blogs and I had just received a bits order including some Forge World parts. Having also been an Imperial Fist fan for a long time, the choice in Legion/Chapter was already made. So pre-heresy Imperial Fist it was I decided.

However what I didn't at the time but have slowly come to understand about myself when it comes to this crazy hobby, that as soon as I get halfway through a project it evolves into another one. Rather than settle on making one Heresy-era model, I decided to make more Heresy era minis, each one representing the other Legions (already have the bits for my Ultramarine and am spying for Word Bearer ones).

So currently as it stands I have one completed member and another 5 members awaiting various bits and licks of paint. The current roster as it stands:
-1) Imperial Fist
-2) Dark Angel
-3) Space Wolf (or Vlka Fenryka for those Heresy aficionados)
-4) Iron Warrior
-5) Alpha Legion
-6) World Eater

No doubt this project will branch into some other project but as I write this, I have to admit that I'm enjoying the thought that is going into each one as I attempt to bring the character of each legion through these single minis (more so than my Novamarines).

Friday 11 December 2015

Other things on my painting desk

 I just wanted to post this to let people know that there are other things besides Space Marines (probably 90% of my overall painting to be honest) that I paint in my hobby time, some to change things up and others as little experiments and practice. I apologise in advance for the quality of the photos as I don't really have a lightbox and have to make due with some spare paper and my camera phone (if I'm good Santa will probably bring me one of provide the funds for one :P).

 First off my own little X-box Live Avatar. This guy started out as one of McFarlane's XBL Avatar minis, I decided that I didn't like the original paint job and gave him some new colours. I wish I could make my actual Avatar look like this.

I picked this guy up at a Collectomania convention in Braehead a few years ago and wanted to have a crack at painting something from Infinity (which I have heard is a decent tabletop game to play) as I hear the minis were really nice. I may grab some more Infinity minis if I can finish with my other ongoing projects. 
I wanted to make the gas mask lenses stand out from the rest of the mini, adds a nice contrast.
This was a project that did as a birthday present for my Dad who is a big Captain America fan. Originally I had planned to convert models for all the Howling Commandoes, however due to time and an inability to source minis that would fit the bill for many of the members, I ended up making Cap, Buck and Nick Fury (Jack Kirby version). Out of all the conversions, Cap was the most involved as I had to use a Reaper Minis  muscular armature along with a Hasslefree head and a shield from a Heroclix Captain America, not to mention alot of Greenstuff.

 And back to 40K. These guys were a nice little change of pace from my constant Astartes and offered so much character. The Grot Rigger with the Oil Squig was one of the first Ork minis that I painted and informed me how to approach Greenskins until I started painting the others, where I changed the recipe slightly before coming back to him to touch him up. The Runtherder was also quite fun to paint my favourite part being the Squig.

 I did have a mob of Ork Boyz to go with them but I ended up pulling them apart to make a diorama which will be in another post. Having realised the time, I'll need to post my other 40k projects (mainly Imperial Guard and Space Marines of both Loyalist and Traitor flavours) another time.

Thursday 3 December 2015

Into the Fray!

Hi everybody, Soric here and welcome to my little hobby blog.

 Having been a miniature hobbyist for some years, I've spent alot of time looking at other people's work online and admiring them from afar (Dave Taylor, Doghouse and Apologist, to name but a few). Recently I decided that I'd like to showcase my own work in regards to my miniatures. So what follows is my miniature exploits which are primarily focussed on Warhammer 40000, but I'm hoping to work on other projects as well. But enough of the introductions, it's time for some pictures.

This is the test mini for my Novamarines army that I'm currently working on, I've built the rest of the tactical squad to go with this guy along with a Captain to lead them (will hopefully post them a little later). 
Battle Brother Dari of the Novamarines 5th Company during mid-reload.
Left Shoulder displays the freehand chapter symbol, which isn't the best, is close enough for my liking.
Right Shoulder displays the Tactical marking along with the squad number and personal name plate.

Rear view, showing the ammunition pouches, I like to have my marines carry as much equipment as possible.
A closeup view, showing some of the weathered armour that I'm trying to evoke with these guys.
I decided to try this scheme after painting up some Death Watch minis for an RPG session that never got off the ground. I did however decide to keep them with the exception of one (whom I gave to a friend cause he liked it so much) with the intent of running them as count-as Sternguard to go alongside the Novas.

The basis of my army is that they're a fast reaction force, so there will be some Landspeeders as well as some bikes to go along with the tacticals (with etiher rhino transports or droppods planned in the future). I see them as carrying as much equipment as they can carry and mount it depending on their personal preferences, so some will have grenades and pouches on their shoulder pads, waist, lower leg plates as well as their backpacks. In addition they'll also be carrying assault weapons as well variant versions of heavy weapons (such as Heavy Bolters and Missile Launchers). Being members of the Novamarines chapter they'll also be operating for extended periods of time, so while they'll try to maintain their armour, it'll still show some wear and tear.

Hope you liked my test marine and I look forward to posting more of my minis soon.